Wednesday 27 March 2013

Pretty Blissful Bride

Do you love what you do? A lot of my friends and probably you, yourself would say "NO". I have to admit, i was one of you guys too. i`ve worked alot of jobs before but nothing seemed right. In the end, i left my job and pursue my dream. I started my course to be a makeup artist at the age of 26 years old. During that time, i had my fair share of ups and downs. But thanks to my mentors, sharon and jiahui, i managed to pull it through.  So there is never too late for anything.

I was talking to a friend last night. In our conversation, she told me she always feel like "she is not what she wanted to be". I encouraged her to pursue her dreams and don`t sell herself short. My idea is you will never be as great as you are meant to be, unless you are in the right position and you will soar through the sky. 

Anyways, i am proud to present my lastest complete studio work,
Pretty Blissful Bride



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